The best surgical techniques and the security of being in the hands of an experienced and constantly updated Certified Plastic Surgeon. In addition to facilities that guarantee your total safety..
Nose surgery is indicated for both men and women over the age of 15 who are unhappy with the appearance of their nose or who have difficulties breathing..
Call us today and schedule your nose surgery assessment with Dr. Xavier Sánchez, Certified Plastic Surgeon.
It will help you know your options and explain all the details of rhinoplasty and general recovery.
Rhinoplasty requires local anesthesia with supplemental sedation or general anesthesia.
The level of discomfort is moderate. Your surgeon will indicate the care you need for a better recovery.
All incisions are made inside the nose and are invisible therefore scars are small and hidden from plain sight.
Nose surgery requires 1 to 2 hours in the operating room. Depending on the complexity of the case.
The removal of stitches from a rhinoplasty will be done 4 to 7 days after surgery.